medical encyclopadia
Abbrev. | Meaning |
o | Nothing |
O2 | Oxygen |
OA | Osteoarthritis |
OB-GYN | Obstetrics and Gynecology |
Obl | Oblique |
OBS | Organic brain syndrome |
Occ | Occasional |
OCD | Obsessive-compulsive disorder |
OCG | Oral cholecystogram |
OCNA | Old chart not available - Medical history |
OCP | Oral contraceptive pill |
OCT | Optical Coherence Tomography |
OD | Right eye from Latin, oculus dexter Overdose Occupational disease |
od | Every day, usually regarded as once daily, from the Latin, omni die. Generally written in lower case. |
OE | Otitis externa |
O/E | On examination |
OGTT | Oral glucose tolerance test |
OHL | Oral hairy leukoplakia |
Oint | Ointment |
OM | Otitis media |
om | Every morning, from the Latin, omni mane. Generally written in lower case. |
OME | Otitis Media with Effusion - fluid in the inner ear without other symptoms. |
on | Every night, from the Latin, omni nocte. Generally written in lower case. |
OOB | Out of bed |
OP | Outpatient department |
O&P | Ova and parasites |
OPD | Outpatient department |
OPPT | Oriented to person place and time |
OPV | Outpatient visit |
OR | Operating room, operating theatre |
ORIF | Open reduction internal fixation |
ORSA | Oxacillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus |
ORT | Oral rehydration therapy |
OS | Left eye from Latin, oculus sinister |
OS | Orthopedic surgery |
OSA | Obstructive sleep apnea |
OSH | Outside hospital |
Osm | Osmolarity |
Osteo | Osteomyelitis |
OT | Occupational therapy |
OTC | Over-the-counter drug |
OTD | Out the Door (discharged) |
OTPP | Oriented to time place and person |
OU | Both eyes, from Latin, oculi uterque |
oz | Ounce |
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