medical abbreviations: O

medicine encyclopedia----medical abbreviations: O

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medical abbreviations: O

Abbrev. Meaning
o Nothing
O2 Oxygen
OA Osteoarthritis
OB-GYN Obstetrics and Gynecology
Obl Oblique
OBS Organic brain syndrome
Occ Occasional
OCD Obsessive-compulsive disorder
OCG Oral cholecystogram
OCNA Old chart not available - Medical history
OCP Oral contraceptive pill
OCT Optical Coherence Tomography
OD Right eye from Latin, oculus dexter
Occupational disease
od Every day, usually regarded as once daily, from the Latin, omni die. Generally written in lower case.
OE Otitis externa
O/E On examination
OGTT Oral glucose tolerance test
OHL Oral hairy leukoplakia
Oint Ointment
OM Otitis media
om Every morning, from the Latin, omni mane. Generally written in lower case.
OME Otitis Media with Effusion - fluid in the inner ear without other symptoms.
on Every night, from the Latin, omni nocte. Generally written in lower case.
OOB Out of bed
OP Outpatient department
O&P Ova and parasites
OPD Outpatient department
OPPT Oriented to person place and time
OPV Outpatient visit
OR Operating room, operating theatre
ORIF Open reduction internal fixation
ORSA Oxacillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus
ORT Oral rehydration therapy
OS Left eye from Latin, oculus sinister
OS Orthopedic surgery
OSA Obstructive sleep apnea
OSH Outside hospital
Osm Osmolarity
Osteo Osteomyelitis
OT Occupational therapy
OTC Over-the-counter drug
OTD Out the Door (discharged)
OTPP Oriented to time place and person
OU Both eyes, from Latin, oculi uterque
oz Ounce

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