medicine encyclopedia----medical abbreviations: P
medical encyclopadia
Abbrev. | Meaning |
p | (p with a bar over it) after, from Latin, post |
P | Parturition (total number of live births) Phosphorus Pulse Post |
PA | Posterior-anterior, posteroanterior Pulmonary artery Physician Assistant |
P&A | Percussion and auscultation |
PAC | Premature atrial contraction Pulmonary artery catheter, Pulmonary artery catheterisation |
PAD | Peripheral artery disease - Peripheral artery occlusive disease |
PAF | Platelet activating factor Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (meaning intermittent AF) |
PAH | Pulmonary arterial hypertension Phenylalanine hydroxylase |
PAI-1 | Plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 |
PAL | Posterior axillary line |
PALS | Pediatric Advanced Life Support |
PAN | Polyarteritis nodosa |
PAO | Peak Acid Output |
PAOD | Peripheral artery occlusive disease |
PAP | Papanicolaou stain Positive airway pressure Pulmonary artery pressure - Pulmonary hypertension |
Pap | Papanicolaou Test (pap smear) |
PARA I | Indicating a woman with one child (partus = birth) |
PARA II | Indicating a woman with two children (partus = birth) |
PAT | Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia |
PBF | Peripheral blood film |
p.c. | After food, from Latin, post cibum After meals |
PCA | Patient-controlled analgesia |
PCa | Prostate cancer |
PCD | Postconcussional disorder Primary ciliary dyskinesia |
PCI | Percutaneous coronary intervention |
PCL | Posterior cruciate ligament |
PCN | Penicillin |
PCNSL | Primary CNS (central nervous system) lymphoma |
PCO | Polycystic ovary - polycystic ovarian syndrome |
PCOS | Polycystic ovarian syndrome |
PCP | (Formerly Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia) - Pneumocystis pneumonia Primary Care Physician/Primary Care Provider |
PCR | Patient Care Report Polymerase chain reaction |
PCS | Post-concussion syndrome |
PCV | Packed cell volume - Hematocrit Polycythemia vera |
PCWP | Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure |
PD | Parkinson's disease Peritoneal dialysis Physical diagnosis |
PDA | Patent ductus arteriosus |
PDE | Phosphodiesterase |
PDGF | Platelet derived growth factor |
PDR | Physicians' Desk Reference |
PDT | Photodynamic Therapy |
PE | Pulmonary embolism [Pre-eclampsia]] Physical examination |
PEA | Pulseless electrical activity |
PEEP | Positive end expiratory pressure |
PEF | Peak expiratory flow |
PEFR | Peak expiratory flow rate |
PEG | Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy |
pen | Penicillin (Best practice is to avoid drug name abbreviations) |
PEP | Post exposure prophylaxis |
PERRL | Pupils equal, round, reactive to light (e.g. "pupils PERRL") |
PERLA | Pupils equal and reactive to light and accommodation |
PERRLA | Pupils equal, round, reactive to light and accommodation |
Per Vag | Per vaginam |
PET | Positron-emission tomography (cerebral metabolic scan) |
PFO | Patent foramen ovale |
PFT | Pulmonary function test - Spirometry |
PGCS | Paediatric Glasgow Coma Scale |
PH | Pulmonary hypertension Past history - medical history |
PHx | Past history - medical history |
PHTLS | Prehospital trauma life support |
PI | Present illness |
PICC | Peripherally inserted central catheter |
PID | Pelvic inflammatory disease Prolapsed intervertibral disc |
PIH | Pregnancy induced hypertension |
PIP | Proximal interphalangeal joint |
PKA | Protein kinase A |
PKD | Polycystic kidney disease |
PKU | Phenylketonuria (PKU card - Guthrie test) |
PLAT | Tissue plasminogen activator |
PLT | Platelets |
PM | Post meridiem In the afternoon |
PMB | Post-menopausal bleeding (bleeding after menopause) |
PMH | Past medical history Perimesencephalic subarachnoid hemorrhage |
PMI | Point of maximal impulse or apical beat Point of maximal intensity |
PML | Polyoma virus |
PMP | Pseudomyxoma peritonei |
PMN | Polymorphonuclear leukocytes, i.e., Neutrophils |
PMR | Percutaneous myocardial revascularisation Polymyalgia rheumatica |
PM&R | Physical medicine and rehabilitation |
PND | Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea Postnasal drip |
PNH | Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria |
PNM | Perinatal mortality |
PO | By mouth (orally), from Latin, per os |
POD | postoperative days |
poly | Polymorphonuclear cells, ie Neutrophils |
Post | Posterior - anatomical terms of location |
POX | Peroxidase |
PP | Pulse pressure Postpartum - postnatal |
PPCS | Prolonged post-concussion syndrome |
PPD | Packs per day (Cigarettes) Postpartum depression - Postnatal depression Purified protein derivative or Mantoux test, for tuberculosis testing |
PPH | Postpartum haemorrhage Primary pulmonary hypertension Procedure for prolapse and hemorrhoids |
PPI | Proton pump inhibitor |
PPROM | Preterm premature rupture of membranes |
PPS | Post-polio syndrome |
Ppt | Precipitate Precipitating |
PPTCT | Prevention of parent-to-child transmission (of HIV: Govt of India) |
PPTL | Post-partum tubal ligation |
PR | Prothrombin ratio |
p.r. | Per rectum (as noun: rectal examination) |
PRA | Plasma renin activity |
PRBC | Packed red blood cells |
Preme | Premature infant - premature birth |
Prep | Preparation |
PRIND | Prolonged reversible ischemic neurologic deficit |
prn PRN | As necessary, from Latin, pro re nata (if used in chronic pain control disparagingly termed "pain relief nil") As needed |
Prog | Prognosis |
PROM | Premature rupture of membranes |
PRP | Panretinal photocoagulation Progressive rubella panencephalitis |
PRV | Polycythemia rubra vera - polycythemia vera |
PSA | Prostatic specific antigen |
PSH | Psychosocial history Past medical history |
PSP | Phenylsulphtalein |
PSS | Progressive systemic sclerosis - scleroderma |
PT | Prothrombin time Physical therapy (physiotherapy) |
Pt. | Patient, from Latin patiens, meaning "one who endures" or "one who suffers" |
PTA | Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty Post-traumatic amnesia Prior to admission |
PTB | Pulmonary tuberculosis |
PTC | Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography |
PTCA | Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty |
PTD | Prior to discharge |
PTH | Parathyroid hormone |
PTHC | Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography |
PTSD | Posttraumatic stress disorder |
PTSS | Posttraumatic stress syndrome - posttraumatic stress disorder |
PTT | Partial thromboplastin time |
PTx | Pneumothorax |
PUD | Peptic ulcer disease |
PUO | Pyrexia of unknown origin |
PUVA | Psoralen UV A (photochemical ultraviolet light A waves) |
p.v. | Per vagina (as noun: vaginal examination with manual examination and speculum inspection) |
PVC (VPC) | Premature ventricular contraction |
PVD | Peripheral vascular disease |
PVFS | Post-viral fatigue syndrome |
PVR | Pulmonary vascular resistance |
PVS | Persistent vegetative state Pulmonary valve stenosis Plummer-Vinson syndrome |
PWP | Pulmonary Wedge Pressure |
Px px | Physical examination |
Px | Prognosis |
P-Y | Pack-years (years of smoking one package of cigarettes per day) |
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