medical abbreviations: A

medicine encyclopedia----medical abbreviations: A

medical encyclopedia

medical abbreviations: A

Abbrev. Meaning
ā (a with a bar over it) before (from Latin ante)
A Adenosine
a.a. Of each (from Latin ana ana)
Amino acids:
  • A or Ala -- alanine
  • C or Cys -- cysteine
  • D or Asp -- aspartic acid
  • E or Glu -- glutamic acid
  • F or Phe -- phenylalanine
  • H or His -- histidine
  • I or Ile -- isoleucine
  • K or Lys -- lysine
  • L or Leu -- leucine
  • M or Met -- methionine
  • N or Asn -- asparagine
  • O or Pyl -- pyrrolysine
  • P or Pro -- proline
  • Q or Gln -- glutamine
  • R or Arg -- arginine
  • S or Ser -- serine
  • T or Thr -- threonine
  • U or Sec -- selenocysteine
  • V or Val -- valine
  • W or Trp -- tryptophan
  • Y or Tyr -- tyrosine
AAA Abdominal aortic aneurysm (pronounced "triple-A")
AAT Activity as tolerated
AAL Anterior axillary line
AAOx3 Awake, alert, and oriented, times 3 (i.e., to person, place, and time)
A/B Acid-base ratio
ab Abdomen
Ab Antibody
AB Abortion
ABC Airway, breathing, circulation
Aspiration biopsy cytology
ABCD Airway, breathing, circulation, disability
Asymmetry, borders, color, diameter (features on considering "Is it a malignant melanoma?")
ABCD rating (a staging system for prostate cancer)
Airway, breathing, circulation, etc. Refers to priority of needs in emergency situations. Exact spell-out and details after "C" vary by institution, but the "ABCs" theme is recurrent.
Abd Abdomen
ABE Acute bacterial endocarditis
ABG Arterial blood gas
ABI Acquired brain injury
Ankle brachial pressure index
ABMT Autologous bone marrow transplantation
Abn Abnormal
ABO Landsteiner's blood grouping system
ABPA Allergic broncho-pulmonary aspergillosis
ABPI Ankle brachial pressure index
ABVD Doxorubicin (Adriamycin), bleomycin, vinblastine, dacarbazine (first-line treatment for Hodgkin's lymphoma)
ABX Antibiotics
Before a meal (from Latin ante cibum)
ACB Aortocoronary bypass
AC&BC Air conduction and bone conduction, as in Weber test
Acc Accommodation (eye)
ACCU Acute coronary care unit
ACD Anemia of chronic disease
ACDF Anterior cervical discectomy and fusion
Ace Acetone
ACE Angiotensin-converting enzyme
ACEI Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor(s)
ACh Acetylcholine
AChE Acetylcholine esterase
ACL Anterior cruciate ligament
ACLS Advanced cardiac life support
ACS Acute coronary syndrome
ACTH Adrenocorticotropic hormone
ACU Ambulatory care unit
ad. Right ear (from Latin auris dexter)
AD Alzheimer's disease
Acute distress
Right ear (from Latin auris dexter)
ADA Adenosine deaminase
ADC AIDS dementia complex
ADCC Antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity
ADD Attention deficit disorder
ADH Antidiuretic hormone
ADHD Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
ADHR Autosomal-dominant hypophosphatemic rickets
ADLs Activities of daily living
ad lib As desired (from Latin ad libitum)
adm Admission
Adn Adnexae (for example, adnexae of the uterus)
ADP Adenosine diphosphate
ad part. dolent To the painful parts (from Latin ad partes dolentes)
ADR Adverse drug reaction
AED Automated external defibrillator
Anti-epileptic drug(s)
AEM Ambulatory electrocardiogram monitoring
AF Atrial fibrillation
Atrial flutter
Amniotic fluid
AFB Acid-fast bacilli
AFib Atrial fibrillation
AFO Ankle-foot orthosis
AFP Alpha-fetoprotein
Ag Antigen
AGA Anti-gliadin antibodies
Appropriate gestational age (see birth weight)
AGES criteria Age, grade, extent, size (for tumors)
AGN Acute glomerulonephritis
a.h. Every other hour (from Latin alternis horis)
AHF Antihemophilic factor
AHG Antihemophilic globulin
AHH Aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase
AHR Airway hyper-reactivity
AI Artificial insemination
Aortic insufficiency
AICD Automated implantable cardioverter-defibrillator
AID Artificial insemination by donor
AIDS Acquired immune deficiency syndrome
AIH Artificial insemination by husband
AIHD Artificial insemination by pooled husband and donor semen
AIPD Acute infectious and parasitical diseases
Autoimmune progesterone dermatitis
Acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy
AIIRB angiotensin II receptor antagonist
AIN Acute interstitial nephritis
AIS Adenocarcinoma in situ
aka Also known as
AKA above-knee amputation
Also known as
ALA Aminolevulinic acid
Alc Alcohol
ALG Antilymphocytic globulin
ALI Acute lung injury
Alk phos Alkaline phosphatase (sometimes abbreviated as ALP)
ALL Acute lymphoblastic leukemia
ALP Alkaline phosphatase (sometimes abbreviated as Alk phos)
ALPS Autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome
ALS Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Advanced life support
ALT Alanine transaminase
altern. d. Every other day (from Latin alterno die)
AMA Advanced maternal age (35 years or greater)
Against medical advice
Anti-mitochondrial antibody
American Medical Association
Amb Ambulate
AMC Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita
AMI Acute myocardial infarction
AML Acute myeloid leukemia
AMP Adenosine monophosphate
Amp Ampule
AMPA receptor Alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid receptor of the brain
AMS Acute mountain sickness
Atypical measles syndrome
Amt Amount
ANA Anti-nuclear antibody
ANCA Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody
ANDI Aberrations of normal development and involution (of breast)
ANF Atrial natriuretic factor
ANP Atrial natriuretic peptide
ANS Autonomic nervous system
Ant Anterior
Anti- Refers to an antibody to the suffixed antigen
ANTR Asymmetrical tonic neck reflex
ANUG Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis
A&O Aware and oriented
A&Ox3 Alert and oriented, times 3 (to person, place, and time)
A&Ox4 Alert and oriented, times 4 (to person, place, time, and circumstances) (often used interchangeably with A&Ox3)
AODM Adult-onset diabetes mellitus (now called diabetes mellitus type 2)
AOM Acute otitis media
a.p. Before a meal (from Latin ante prandium)
AP Alkaline phosphatase
Angina pectoris
A&P Auscultation and percussion
APACHE II Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II
APAP Paracetamol (aka acetaminophen) (from its chemical name, N-acetyl-para-aminophenol)
Automatic positive airway pressure
APC Atrial premature contraction
Antigen-presenting cell
Activated protein C
APD Adult polycystic disease
Automated peritoneal dialysis
APKD Adult polycystic kidney disease
APECED Autoimmune polyendocrinopathy-candidiasis-ectodermal dystrophy
APGAR Appearance, pulse, grimace, activity, respiration - used to assess newborns
APH Antepartum haemorrhage
APLS Antiphospholipid syndrome
APMPPE Acute posterior multifocal placoid pigment epitheliopathy
applic. Applicandus (Latin meaning "to be applied")
APR Abdominoperineal resection
APS Autoimmune polyendocrine/polyglandular syndrome
APSAC Anisoylated plasminogen streptokinase activator complex
aPTT Activated partial thromboplastin time
aq. Water (from Latin aqua)
aq. bull. Boiling water (from Latin aqua bulliens)
aq. calid. Warm or hot water (from Latin aqua calida)
aq. dist. Distilled water (from Latin aqua distillata)
aq. gel. Cold water (from Latin aqua gelida)
AR Aortic regurgitation
ARB Angiotensin II receptor antagonist
ARC AIDS-related complex
ARDS acute respiratory distress syndrome
Adult respiratory distress syndrome
ARF Acute renal failure
Arg Arginine
ARM Artificial rupture of membranes (also abbreviated as AROM)
AROM Active range of motion
Artificial rupture of membranes
ART Antiretroviral therapy
Assuming room temperature (that is, the patient has died)
ARVC Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy
ARVD Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia
AS Aortic stenosis
ASA Acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin)
ASAP As soon as possible
ASC Ambulatory surgery center
ASCAD Arteriosclerotic coronary artery disease
ASCUS Atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance
ASCVD Arteriosclerotic vascular disease (arteriosclerosis)
ASD Atrial septal defect
ASGUS Atypical squamous glandular cells of undetermined significance
Arteriosclerotic heart disease (coronary heart disease)
ASIS Anterior superior iliac spine
ASO Antistreptolysin-O
ASOT Antistreptolysin-O titre
Ass Assessment
AST Aspartate transaminase
ASX Asymptomatic
AT Antithrombin
ATA Anti-transglutaminase antibodies
ATB Antibiotic
ATCC American Type Culture Collection
ATG Antithymic globulin
AT-III Antithrombin III
ATN Acute tubular necrosis
ATNR Asymmetrical tonic neck reflex
ATP Acute thrombocytopenic purpura
Adenosine triphosphate
Anti-tachycardia pacing
Atp Atapical
ATRA All-trans retinoic acid
ATS Anti-tetanus serum, that is, anti-tetanus immunoglobulins
AUC Area under the curve (pharmacology)
aur. Ear (from Latin auris)
aur. dextro. To right ear (from Latin auris dextrae)
aur. laev To left ear (from Latin auris laevae)
aurist. Ear drops (from Latin auristillae)
AV Arteriovenous
AVM Arteriovenous malformation
AVR Aortic valve replacement
Alive and well
Ax Axillary
AXR Abdominal x-ray
AZT Azidothymidine

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