medical encyclopedia
Abbrev. | Meaning |
ā | (a with a bar over it) before (from Latin ante) artery |
A | Adenosine Apical |
a.a. | Of each (from Latin ana ana) Amino acids:
AAA | Abdominal aortic aneurysm (pronounced "triple-A") |
AAT | Activity as tolerated |
AAL | Anterior axillary line |
AAOx3 | Awake, alert, and oriented, times 3 (i.e., to person, place, and time) |
A/B | Acid-base ratio |
ab | Abdomen Abdominal |
Ab | Antibody |
AB | Abortion |
ABC | Airway, breathing, circulation Aspiration biopsy cytology |
ABCD | Airway, breathing, circulation, disability Asymmetry, borders, color, diameter (features on considering "Is it a malignant melanoma?") ABCD rating (a staging system for prostate cancer) |
ABCs ABCDs ABCDEs | Airway, breathing, circulation, etc. Refers to priority of needs in emergency situations. Exact spell-out and details after "C" vary by institution, but the "ABCs" theme is recurrent. |
Abd | Abdomen Abdominal |
ABE | Acute bacterial endocarditis |
ABG | Arterial blood gas |
ABI | Acquired brain injury Ankle brachial pressure index |
ABMT | Autologous bone marrow transplantation |
Abn | Abnormal |
ABO | Landsteiner's blood grouping system |
ABPA | Allergic broncho-pulmonary aspergillosis |
ABPI | Ankle brachial pressure index |
ABVD | Doxorubicin (Adriamycin), bleomycin, vinblastine, dacarbazine (first-line treatment for Hodgkin's lymphoma) |
ABX | Antibiotics |
a.c. AC | Before a meal (from Latin ante cibum) |
ACB | Aortocoronary bypass |
AC&BC | Air conduction and bone conduction, as in Weber test |
Acc | Accommodation (eye) |
ACCU | Acute coronary care unit |
ACD | Anemia of chronic disease |
ACDF | Anterior cervical discectomy and fusion |
Ace | Acetone |
ACE | Angiotensin-converting enzyme |
ACEI | Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor(s) |
ACh | Acetylcholine |
AChE | Acetylcholine esterase |
ACL | Anterior cruciate ligament |
ACLS | Advanced cardiac life support |
ACS | Acute coronary syndrome |
ACTH | Adrenocorticotropic hormone |
ACU | Ambulatory care unit |
ad. | Right ear (from Latin auris dexter) |
AD | Alzheimer's disease Acute distress Right ear (from Latin auris dexter) |
ADA | Adenosine deaminase |
ADC | AIDS dementia complex |
ADCC | Antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity |
ADD | Attention deficit disorder |
ADH | Antidiuretic hormone |
ADHD | Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder |
ADHR | Autosomal-dominant hypophosphatemic rickets |
ADLs | Activities of daily living |
ad lib | As desired (from Latin ad libitum) |
adm | Admission |
Adn | Adnexae (for example, adnexae of the uterus) |
ADP | Adenosine diphosphate |
ad part. dolent | To the painful parts (from Latin ad partes dolentes) |
ADR | Adverse drug reaction |
AED | Automated external defibrillator Anti-epileptic drug(s) |
AEM | Ambulatory electrocardiogram monitoring |
AF | Atrial fibrillation Atrial flutter Amniotic fluid |
AFB | Acid-fast bacilli |
AFib | Atrial fibrillation |
AFO | Ankle-foot orthosis |
AFP | Alpha-fetoprotein |
Ag | Antigen |
AGA | Anti-gliadin antibodies Appropriate gestational age (see birth weight) |
AGES criteria | Age, grade, extent, size (for tumors) |
AGN | Acute glomerulonephritis |
a.h. | Every other hour (from Latin alternis horis) |
AHF | Antihemophilic factor |
AHG | Antihemophilic globulin |
AHH | Aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase |
AHR | Airway hyper-reactivity |
AI | Artificial insemination Aortic insufficiency |
AICD | Automated implantable cardioverter-defibrillator |
AID | Artificial insemination by donor |
AIDS | Acquired immune deficiency syndrome |
AIH | Artificial insemination by husband |
AIHD | Artificial insemination by pooled husband and donor semen |
AIPD | Acute infectious and parasitical diseases Autoimmune progesterone dermatitis Acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy |
AIIRB | angiotensin II receptor antagonist |
AIN | Acute interstitial nephritis |
AIS | Adenocarcinoma in situ |
aka | Also known as |
AKA | above-knee amputation Also known as |
ALA | Aminolevulinic acid |
Alc | Alcohol |
ALG | Antilymphocytic globulin |
ALI | Acute lung injury |
Alk phos | Alkaline phosphatase (sometimes abbreviated as ALP) |
ALL | Acute lymphoblastic leukemia Allergies |
ALP | Alkaline phosphatase (sometimes abbreviated as Alk phos) |
ALPS | Autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome |
ALS | Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Advanced life support |
ALT | Alanine transaminase |
altern. d. | Every other day (from Latin alterno die) |
AMA | Advanced maternal age (35 years or greater) Against medical advice Anti-mitochondrial antibody American Medical Association |
Amb | Ambulate |
AMC | Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita |
AMI | Acute myocardial infarction |
AML | Acute myeloid leukemia |
AMP | Adenosine monophosphate |
Amp | Ampule Ampere |
AMPA receptor | Alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid receptor of the brain |
AMS | Acute mountain sickness Atypical measles syndrome |
Amt | Amount |
ANA | Anti-nuclear antibody |
ANCA | Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody |
ANDI | Aberrations of normal development and involution (of breast) |
ANF | Atrial natriuretic factor |
ANP | Atrial natriuretic peptide |
ANS | Autonomic nervous system |
Ant | Anterior |
Anti- | Refers to an antibody to the suffixed antigen |
ANTR | Asymmetrical tonic neck reflex |
ANUG | Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis |
A&O | Aware and oriented |
A&Ox3 | Alert and oriented, times 3 (to person, place, and time) |
A&Ox4 | Alert and oriented, times 4 (to person, place, time, and circumstances) (often used interchangeably with A&Ox3) |
AODM | Adult-onset diabetes mellitus (now called diabetes mellitus type 2) |
AOM | Acute otitis media |
a.p. | Before a meal (from Latin ante prandium) |
AP | Alkaline phosphatase Anteroposterior Angina pectoris |
A&P | Auscultation and percussion |
APACHE II | Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II |
APAP | Paracetamol (aka acetaminophen) (from its chemical name, N-acetyl-para-aminophenol) Automatic positive airway pressure |
APC | Atrial premature contraction Antigen-presenting cell Activated protein C |
APD | Adult polycystic disease Automated peritoneal dialysis |
APKD | Adult polycystic kidney disease |
APECED | Autoimmune polyendocrinopathy-candidiasis-ectodermal dystrophy |
APGAR | Appearance, pulse, grimace, activity, respiration - used to assess newborns |
APH | Antepartum haemorrhage |
APLS | Antiphospholipid syndrome |
APMPPE | Acute posterior multifocal placoid pigment epitheliopathy |
applic. | Applicandus (Latin meaning "to be applied") |
APR | Abdominoperineal resection |
APS | Autoimmune polyendocrine/polyglandular syndrome |
APSAC | Anisoylated plasminogen streptokinase activator complex |
aPTT | Activated partial thromboplastin time |
aq. | Water (from Latin aqua) |
aq. bull. | Boiling water (from Latin aqua bulliens) |
aq. calid. | Warm or hot water (from Latin aqua calida) |
aq. dist. | Distilled water (from Latin aqua distillata) |
aq. gel. | Cold water (from Latin aqua gelida) |
AR | Aortic regurgitation |
ARB | Angiotensin II receptor antagonist |
ARC | AIDS-related complex |
ARDS | acute respiratory distress syndrome Adult respiratory distress syndrome |
ARF | Acute renal failure |
Arg | Arginine |
ARM | Artificial rupture of membranes (also abbreviated as AROM) |
AROM | Active range of motion Artificial rupture of membranes |
ART | Antiretroviral therapy Assuming room temperature (that is, the patient has died) |
ARVC | Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy |
ARVD | Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia |
AS | Aortic stenosis Atherosclerosis |
ASA | Acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) |
ASAP | As soon as possible |
ASC | Ambulatory surgery center |
ASCAD | Arteriosclerotic coronary artery disease |
ASCUS | Atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance |
ASCVD | Arteriosclerotic vascular disease (arteriosclerosis) |
ASD | Atrial septal defect |
ASGUS | Atypical squamous glandular cells of undetermined significance |
ASH ASHD | Arteriosclerotic heart disease (coronary heart disease) |
ASIS | Anterior superior iliac spine |
ASO | Antistreptolysin-O |
ASOT | Antistreptolysin-O titre |
Ass | Assessment |
AST | Aspartate transaminase |
ASX | Asymptomatic |
AT | Antithrombin Angiotensin |
ATA | Anti-transglutaminase antibodies |
ATB | Antibiotic |
ATCC | American Type Culture Collection |
ATG | Antithymic globulin |
AT-III | Antithrombin III |
ATN | Acute tubular necrosis |
ATNR | Asymmetrical tonic neck reflex |
ATP | Acute thrombocytopenic purpura Adenosine triphosphate Anti-tachycardia pacing |
Atp | Atapical |
ATRA | All-trans retinoic acid |
ATS | Anti-tetanus serum, that is, anti-tetanus immunoglobulins |
AUC | Area under the curve (pharmacology) |
aur. | Ear (from Latin auris) |
aur. dextro. | To right ear (from Latin auris dextrae) |
aur. laev | To left ear (from Latin auris laevae) |
aurist. | Ear drops (from Latin auristillae) |
AV | Arteriovenous Atrioventricular |
AVM | Arteriovenous malformation |
AVR | Aortic valve replacement |
A&W A/W | Alive and well |
Ax | Axillary |
AXR | Abdominal x-ray |
AZT | Azidothymidine |
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