medical abbreviations: B

medicine encyclopedia----medical abbreviations: B

medical encyclopedia

medical abbreviations: B

Abbrev. Meaning
Bx Biopsy
Ba Barium
BAC Blood alcohol content
BAL Bronchoalveolar lavage
British anti-Lewisite
Blood alcohol level
BAO Basic acid output
BAT Brown adipose tissue
BBB Blood brain barrier
BBB L Left bundle branch block
BBB R Right bundle branch block
BC Bone conduction
Blood culture
BCC Basal cell carcinoma
Blind carbon copy
BCG Bacille Calmette-Guerin (a tuberculosis vaccination)
BCP Birth control pill
Blood culture
BBMF "Bone break, me fix" (orthopedic consent form)
BD Bipolar disorder
Twice a day (from Latin bis in die)
BDD Body dysmorphic disorder
BDI Beck Depression Inventory
BE Barium enema
Base excess
BFP Bundle forming pilus
BGAT Blood Glucose Awareness Training (to help patients with diabetic hypoglycemia)
BGL Blood glucose level
BIB Brought in by
BIBA Brought in by ambulance
Twice a day (from Latin bis in die)
Bilat eq Bilaterally equal
BiPAP Bilevel positive airway pressure
BiVAD Bilateral ventricular assist device (left and right)
BK Bradykinin
BKA Below-the-knee amputation
bl.cult Blood culture
bld Blood
BLS Basic life support
BM Bowel movement
BMC Bone mineral content
BMD Bone mineral density (also termed bone mass measurement)
BMI Body mass index
BMP Blood metabolic profile
BMR Basal metabolic rate
BMT Bone marrow transplantation
BNO Bowel not open
BNP Brain natriuretic peptide
BO Bowel open
B/O Because of
BOA Born out of asepsis
BOI Born on island (i.e., a local patient)
BOM Bilateral otitis media
BOOP Bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia
BP Blood pressure
Bipolar disorder
BPAD Bipolar affective disorder
BPD Biparietal diameter
Borderline personality disorder
Bronchopulmonary dysplasia
BPH Benign prostatic hyperplasia aka benign prostatic hypertrophy
BPM Beats per minute
BPPV Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo
BR Bedrest
BRA Bilateral renal agenesis
BRAT The BRAT diet: bananas, rice, applesauce, (dry) toast (helps digestion in some GI disorders)
BRATY Another version of the BRAT diet: bananas, rice, applesauce, (dry) toast, yogurt (helps digestion in some GI disorders)
BRB Bright red blood (color is important as an indicator of source, for example in gastrointestinal bleeding)
BRBPR Bright red blood per rectum
BRCA1 (gene)
BRCA1 (protein)
Breast cancer 1 (a human gene and its protein)
BRCA2 (gene)
BRCA2 (protein)
Breast cancer 2 (a human gene and its protein)
BRP Bathroom privileges
BS Breath
Breath sound
Bowel sounds on auscultation with stethoscope
Blood sugar
BSA Body surface area
BSC Bedside commode
BSE Bovine spongiform encephalopathy
Breast self-examination
BSL Blood sugar level
BSP Bromsulphthalein
BT Bleeding time
BTL Bilateral tubal ligation
BTP Breakthrough pain
BUN Blood urea nitrogen
BV Bacterial vaginosis
BVP Biventricular pacing (see artificial pacemaker)
Bx Biopsy

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