Medical readiness training exercise

medicine encyclopedia----Medical readiness training exercise

medical encyclopedia

Medical readiness training exercise

A civic action program also known as civic action project
is a type of operation designed to assist an area by using the capabilities and resources of a military force or civilian organization to conduct long-term programs or short-term projects.

U.S. Army conducts MEDCAP in Afghanistan

This type of operations include: dental civic action program (DENTCAP), engineering civic action program (ENCAP), medical civic action program (MEDCAP), and veterinarian civic action program (VETCAP). Entities of foreign nations usually conduct these operations at the invitation of a host nation.

Common civic action programs

Dental civic action program (DENTCAP)

Dentists and dental technicians with equipment and supplies set up a temporary field clinic to provide dental treatment to the local population.

Engineering civic action program (ENCAP)

U.S. Marines & Nicaraguan soldiers build a school during Operation New Horizons

Engineers with equipment conduct civil engineering projects to execute any number of infrastructure improvement projects, such as building or improving schools, clinics, roads or drinking wells.

Medical civic action program (MEDCAP)

Medical doctors and specialists with equipment and supplies set up a temporary field clinic to provide limited medical treatment to the local population. MEDCAPs are generally narrow in scope and usually provide targeted assistance, such as inoculations.

Veterinarian civic action program (VETCAP)

Veterinarians with equipment and supplies provide limited veterinarian services for the local population. VETCAPS are generally narrow in scope and usually provide targeted assistance, such as inoculations.

Medical readiness training exercise (MEDRETE)

The U.S. Military has an activity similar to civic action programs called a medical readiness training exercise (MEDRETE). Military use MEDRETEs to provide training on public health and preventive medicine.

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