Medical instruments and implants

Medical instruments and implants

Medical instruments and implants : Overview

Innovations in medical technology - staring from the ancients and till date - have produced numerous appliances and instruments that have been essential in diagnosis, treatment, prevention and rehabilitation. Modern medicine requires and utilizes numerous such instruments that can be as simple as a scalpel or sutures to as complex as a respirator or a dialyser. A list of these appliances used in modern medicine is being provided below and is meant primarily to serve as an open knowledge source for all medical and paramedical students and personnel, built and updated by the same.

It is possibly an article of limited interest to the general public, but may be of value to those related to medicine. It tries to encompass all fields and bring all medical instruments under one header, allowing for a better understanding of their principles and uses as well as providing a glossary of sorts, for the same.

The instruments of historic importance can be read about in their respective sections, and have not been included in this list of items that are presently in use.

The groupings have been made based on the branch of medicine and are laid out arbitrarily.

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