medical abbreviations: U

medical encyclopadia

medical abbreviations: U

Abbrev. Meaning
UA urinalysis
UBT urea breath test
UC ulcerative colitis
UCHD usual childhood diseases (see list of childhood diseases)
UD as directed (from Latin ut dictum)
UDS urine drug screening
UE upper extremity
U&E urea and electrolytes (blood test) (for sodium and potassium, and often creatinine)
UIP Usual interstitial pneumonitis
UGI upper gastrointestinal
UOP Urinary Output
Ung ointment (from Latin unguentum)
Unk unknown
UPJ ureteropelvic junction (see pyeloplasty)
URA unilateral renal agenesis
URI upper respiratory infection
URTI upper respiratory tract infection
US ultrasonogram
USG ultrasonogram
USP United States Pharmacopeia
USR unheated serum reagin
USS ultrasound scan
UTI urinary tract infection
UVAL ultraviolet argon laser

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