medical encyclopadia
Abbrev. | Meaning |
G | Gravidity (total number of pregnancies, successful or not) Guanosine |
G6PD | Glucose-6-phosphate-dehydrogenase |
GA | General anaesthesia |
GABA | Gamma-aminobutyric acid |
GB | Gallbladder |
GBS | Guillain-Barre syndrome |
GBM | Glioblastoma multiforme Glomerular basement membrane |
GC | General Condition Gonococcus |
GCA | Giant cell arteritis |
GCS | Glasgow coma scale |
G-CSF | Granulocyte - colony stimulating factor |
GDA | Gastroduodenal artery |
GDLH | Glutamate dehydrogenase |
GDP | Guanosine diphosphate |
GERD | Gastroesophageal reflux disease |
GFR | Glomerular filtration rate |
GGT | Gamma glutamyl transferase |
GGTP | Gamma glutamyl transpeptidase |
GH | Growth hormone |
GHRF | Growth hormone releasing factor |
GI | Gastrointestinal (... tract) |
GIFT | Gamete intrafallopian transfer |
GIST | Gastrointestinal stromal tumor |
GIT | Gastrointestinal tract |
GITS | Gastrointestinal therapeutic system |
GMC | General Medical Condition (i.e., 0 GMC) |
GM-CSF | Granulocyte-Monocyte - Colony Stimulating Factor |
GMP | Guanosine monophosphate |
GN | Glomerulonephritis |
GNRH | Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone |
GOAT | Galveston Orientation and Amnesia Test |
GOD | Glucose Oxidase |
GOK | God only knows |
GOMER | Get Outta My E.R. i.e. patient who frequently presents at the ER near death but manages to pull through each and every time. |
GORD | Gastroesophageal reflux disease |
GOT | Glutamic-oxalacetic transaminase |
GP | General practitioner |
GPT | Glutamic-pyruvic transaminase |
Gr | Grain |
GRAV I | Indicating woman during first pregnancy |
GSW | Gunshot wound see HVLT (High-velocity Lead Therapy) |
GTN | Glyceryl trinitrate |
GTT | Glucose tolerance test |
Gtts | Drops - Guttae |
GU | Genitourinary Gastric ulcer |
GUM | Genitourinary medicine (often used more restrictively as alternative to sexually transmitted disease clinic) |
GvH | Graft-versus-host |
GvHD | Graft-versus-host disease |
GYN | Gynecology |
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