medical encyclopedia
Abbrev. | Meaning |
E | Ecstasy Electrolytes Enterococcus Epinephrine |
EAC | External acoustic meatus |
EACA | Epsilon-aminocaproic acid |
EAEC | Enteroadhesive Escherichia coli |
EAF | Enteric adherence factor |
EBL | Estimated blood loss (see bleeding) |
EBM | Evidence-based medicine Expressed breast milk |
EBT | Electron beam tomography |
EBV | Epstein-Barr virus |
EC | Enteric coating |
ECF | Extracellular fluid Enteric cytopathic human orphan |
ECG | Electrocardiogram |
ECM | Extracellular matrix |
ECHO | Enteric cytopathic human orphan virus |
ECI | Febris e causa ignota (normally written as febris E.C.I.) Fever of unknown origin |
ECLS | Extracorporeal life support |
ECMO | Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation |
ECP | Emergency Care Practitioner |
ECT | Electroconvulsive therapy |
ED | Emergency department Erectile dysfunction Ectodermal dysplasia |
EDC | Estimated date of confinement (at 40/40 weeks of pregnancy) |
EDD | Estimated date of delivery (at 40/40 weeks of pregnancy); expected date of delivery Estimated date of discharge |
EDH | Epidural hematoma |
EDM | Esophageal Doppler monitor |
EDRF | Endothelium-derived relaxing factor aka nitric oxide |
EDTA | Ethylene-diamine-tetraacetic acid |
EDV | End-diastolic volume |
EEE | Eastern equine encephalitis |
EEG | Electroencephalogram |
EENT | Ears, eyes, nose, throat (see Otolaryngology) |
EEX | Electrodiagnosis |
EF | Ejection fraction |
EFM | Electronic fetal monitoring, aka external fetal monitoring (cardiotocograph) |
EGBUS | External genitalia, Bartholin's glands, urethra & Skene's glands |
EGD | Esophagogastroduodenoscopy |
EGF | Epidermal growth factor |
EHEC | Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli |
EIEC | Enteroinvasive Escherichia coli |
EJ | Elbow jerk (triceps reflex) |
EKG | Electrocardiogram |
ELLSCS | Elective lower segment caesarean section |
ELISA | Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay |
EmBx | Endometrial biopsy |
EMC | Encephalomyocarditis |
EMD | Early morning discovery Electromechanical dissociation |
EMF | Endomyocardial fibrosis |
EMG | Electromyography |
EMLSCS | Emergency lower segment Caesarean section |
EMU | Early morning urine sample (being the most concentrated, generally used for pregnancy testing) |
Emul | Emulsion |
ENT | Ear, nose, and throat (see Otolaryngology) |
EOM | Extraocular muscles |
EOMI | Extraocular movements intact (see eye movement) |
EPEC | Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli |
EPH | Edema proteinuria hypertension |
EPO | Erythropoietin |
EPS | Electrophysiology |
ER | Emergency room |
ERCP | Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography |
ESL | Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy (also ESWL) (see lithotriptor); English as a second language (affects provider-patient communication) |
ESBL | Extended spectrum beta-lactamase (see also gram-negative bacteria) |
ESR | Erythrocyte sedimentation rate |
ESRD | End-stage renal disease |
ESV | End-systolic volume |
ESWL | Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy (also ESL) (see lithotriptor) |
ET | Endothelin Endotracheal |
ETEC | Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli |
Etiol | Etiology |
ETOH | Ethanol (ethyl alcohol) |
ETS | Endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy |
ETT | Endotracheal tube |
EUA | Examination under anesthesia |
EUP | Extrauterine pregnancy |
EUS | Endoscopic ultrasonography |
EVAR | Endovascular aneurysm repair |
EVF | Erythrocyte volume fraction (see hematocrit) |
Exam | Examination (for example, physical examination) |
Exp Lap | Exploratory laparotomy |
Ext | Extremities |
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